Also, you will be able keep track of food stocks and save money that would have been spent buying things that you already have. No more second guessing: preparing meals will be much easier and enjoyable as you will be able to make informed decisions by looking at the foodstuffs available.
Here are some proven tips on how to expand your fridge space:
Make Maximum Use of the Fridge Bins
Refrigerator bins have varying sizes that largely depend on their intended purpose. Can dispensers can comfortably be used to house sodas in a one- or two-row style as the cans be placed on top of one another to form stacks to economize on available space. There are other bins that are designed for storing big bottled beverages such as 2.5 liter drinks. Some designs allow one to stack the bottles on top of each other in one row or two depending on the size of the refrigerator.
Consider Rearranging the Shelves
Most of the modern refrigerators allow users to adjust and rearrange the shelves to suit their needs. Take advantage of this feature by reviewing all items that you normally store in your fridge and organizing them in shelves based on their sizes. That is, smaller items can occupy small shelves while large, bulkier items can be placed on a separate shelf. For example, pickle jars, loaves of bread, butter tubs, and 2- liter drinks can be stored at one of the high shelves. On the other hand, salsa, cheese slices, meat slices, and other similar foods can be placed on shelf with the lower height.
Apply these organization ideas to keep your refrigerator tidy and looking great. If you need an exceptional kitchen cleaning, The Maidsare standing by to help organize, clean, and sanitize!