Turn your grout white again with baking soda & vinegar. Mix it into a paste, then scrub it on with a toothpaste. Work in small areas, wiping with a clean, wet cloth and drying as you finish each area for clean grout.
Fix yellow stains with lemon juice and some sunlight. Whether your shirt is yellowed from age or underarm stains, lemon and the sun together are a natural bleach—what works to lighten your hair in the summer will also work on your clothes! Dab the yellow stain with lemon juice, then lay out to dry in the sun.
Whoops! Vinegar gets the mildew smell out of clothes. Have you ever forgotten you had clothes in the washing machine only to return to a mildew smell? Drop some vinegar in when you rewash to chase the smell away.
Chase away water spots with vinegar in the dishwasher. Vinegar is the best rinsing agent for getting rid of water spots and soap residue. You can put it in the rinse system or pour it directly into the bottom of the dishwasher.
It's amazing what you can get clean with a few things from your kitchen and bathroom!